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Gatsby CRUD App

A CRUD application using React, Typescript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, FaunaDB, and Gatsby for managing messages.

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Farasat Ali

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💼 Role:

Software Engineer

In this project, I worked as the sole software engineer responsible for both the front-end and back-end components of the CRUD application. My objective was to deliver a seamless experience for users to manage their messages, incorporating modern web development practices. I wrote clean and scalable code using React, TypeScript, and JavaScript while also handling the integration with FaunaDB, a serverless and scalable back-end solution. The project demonstrates my ability to build full-stack applications, leveraging key technologies to solve practical challenges in real-world web development.

👨‍💼 Client:

Personal Project

This project was a personal endeavour to showcase my full-stack development skills through an open-source platform. I chose to make it available on GitHub so that others could use the application and explore and contribute to its codebase. By building a project focused on CRUD operations, I intended to practice with modern front-end technologies and databases while simultaneously creating a tool that could be expanded upon by the open-source community. The project is licensed under MIT, ensuring that anyone interested can freely use and modify the code.

💻 About Project:

This CRUD application was created to demonstrate my full-stack development abilities, explicitly focusing on handling the fundamental operations of any database-driven application: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. The project leverages various modern technologies, including React, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, FaunaDB, and Gatsby, to provide a functional and responsive platform for managing user messages. The integration of FaunaDB allows for a serverless architecture, which means there is no need for a traditional server setup—FaunaDB handles data storage and operations in the cloud, offering a scalable solution that can accommodate growth without added complexity. Gatsby was chosen for the front end because of its optimized performance and ability to generate static web pages, ensuring fast load times and an enhanced user experience. The application's user interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate. Users can input messages, view a list of all messages, edit any previously entered messages, and delete messages they no longer need. React ensures the interface is dynamic, with real-time updates whenever a message is created or modified, without reloading the page. TypeScript ensures type safety throughout the application, making the code more robust and minimizing potential errors during development. The project showcases using FaunaDB's GraphQL API for efficient communication between the front and back end. GraphQL provides a flexible querying language, making it easier to retrieve and manipulate data in a structured way. The application supports all CRUD operations, meaning users can create new messages, read and display stored messages, update existing messages, and delete messages. The project's open-source nature ensures that other developers can freely access, modify, and improve it. I created the project as a personal learning exercise and a portfolio piece that could serve as a foundation for further development by myself or others. The choice to host the project on GitHub also makes it an excellent resource for other developers looking to explore or contribute to a full-stack application built with React, TypeScript, Gatsby, and FaunaDB.

🚧 Problem:

The challenge I set for myself in this project was to create a straightforward yet fully functional application that could perform all essential CRUD operations—Create, Read, Update, and Delete—in the context of user messages. In doing so, I sought to practice critical full-stack development skills, particularly concerning modern front-end technologies and serverless back-end architecture. A major hurdle in building any CRUD application is ensuring that data management operations are performed efficiently while maintaining a user-friendly interface. Many developers face challenges in synchronizing the front-end and back-end, especially when dealing with serverless environments like FaunaDB, which require different patterns and strategies than traditional server setups. Integrating modern front-end frameworks such as React, combined with TypeScript's type-checking features, adds complexity to the project, as every component needs to communicate seamlessly with the database without causing user friction. Handling asynchronous operations—like reading from or writing to a database—can be tricky in any web application, but even more so when working with a serverless back-end. FaunaDB uses GraphQL to handle these operations, which adds another layer of complexity as the front end needs to be able to craft queries and mutations in real-time based on user interactions. One of the primary technical challenges was ensuring that the application performs these operations without noticeable lag while maintaining a responsive and clean UI. Moreover, the project required the UI design to feel intuitive and user-friendly without overloading the user with too much information at once. Managing state in React, especially in an application that deals with CRUD operations, requires careful consideration of how data flows through the application. Each CRUD operation must update the interface in real-time, ensuring users have immediate feedback when creating, reading, updating, or deleting a message. Finally, maintaining scalability was another critical concern. While this project is intended to be a learning tool and portfolio piece, I wanted to ensure that it could scale to accommodate additional users, messages, or features without requiring a complete overhaul of the architecture. I decided to use FaunaDB partly because it offers a scalable back-end that grows with the application without the need for manual server management.

🛠️ Solution:

I designed and implemented a full-stack solution using a combination of modern technologies to solve the challenges of building a robust and scalable CRUD application. The application's front end was built using React and Gatsby, both known for their ability to create fast, dynamic, and highly optimized web experiences. React's component-based architecture allowed me to break down the application into reusable parts, which made it easier to manage and update. Each component—whether for displaying a message, creating a new message, or editing an existing one—was developed independently, ensuring that changes to one part of the application wouldn't cause issues elsewhere. TypeScript played a pivotal role in making the codebase more reliable. By using TypeScript, I could implement type safety across the entire application, which reduced the likelihood of runtime errors and made the development process smoother. TypeScript's static type checking meant I could catch potential issues early in the development process rather than wait for them to become bugs later. For the back end, I chose FaunaDB, a serverless database that integrates seamlessly with modern web applications. FaunaDB's most significant advantage is its use of GraphQL, a flexible and efficient querying language that allows developers to specify exactly what data they need from the database. Using GraphQL, I could write queries and mutations that precisely matched the data requirements of my application, reducing overhead and improving performance. Since FaunaDB is serverless, I didn't have to worry about managing or scaling infrastructure—FaunaDB automatically handles scaling, making it a perfect fit for a project that could grow over time. Gatsby was another crucial part of the solution. Its ability to pre-generate static web pages ensured that the application loaded quickly, even when users were on slower networks. Gatsby's plugin ecosystem also made integrating other tools and services easy, which helped optimize the application's performance. For instance, I used Gatsby's image optimization features to ensure that all images and assets were loaded efficiently, further improving the user experience. The application's design focuses on simplicity and usability. I created a clean, minimalistic UI that makes it easy for users to interact with the messages. The message list is displayed in a way that is easy to navigate, with clear buttons for editing and deleting each message. A form at the top of the page allows users to add new messages quickly, and all CRUD operations are performed without page reloads, thanks to React's ability to handle state updates in real-time. To ensure scalability, I structured the application to make it easy to add new features. For example, while the current version of the application only handles text messages, it could easily be extended to handle other types of content—such as images or files—by updating the database schema and adding a few new components to the front end. FaunaDB's GraphQL API ensures that any new data types can be integrated without significant changes to the existing code.

🌟 Key Features:

  • Create Messages: Users can input and submit new messages using a simple form.
  • Read Messages: All submitted messages are displayed in a list, with real-time updates.
  • Update Messages: Users can edit existing messages by clicking the "Edit" button and modifying the content.
  • Delete Messages: Users can delete messages they no longer need by clicking the "Delete" button next to each message.
  • Serverless Backend: The application uses FaunaDB, a serverless database that handles all CRUD operations via GraphQL.
  • Responsive UI: The application features a responsive and intuitive user interface built with React.
  • Open-Source: The project is freely available on GitHub and licensed under the MIT License for open-source use.

🏆 Results:

The result of this project is a fully functioning CRUD application demonstrating the power and flexibility of modern web development technologies. The application allows users to create, view, edit, and delete messages, all within a fast and responsive user interface. It successfully integrates a serverless back-end using FaunaDB, which handles all data storage and retrieval operations efficiently through its GraphQL API. React and Gatsby on the front end ensure the application is dynamic and optimized for performance. One of this project's critical successes is its scalability. While the current application version handles limited functionalities, it is designed to grow. The architecture supports the addition of new features and data types without requiring significant changes to the codebase, making it a solid foundation for future development. FaunaDB’s serverless model means that the back end will scale automatically as the application grows, ensuring that performance remains consistent as more users and messages are added. From a user perspective, the application offers a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage messages. Users can add new messages using a simple form, edit existing messages by clicking an “Edit” button next to each one, and delete messages they no longer need. Thanks to React's efficient handling of state updates, all actions are performed instantly, with no page reloads required. As a developer, I found this project an excellent opportunity to practice full-stack development skills using a combination of modern technologies. By working with React, TypeScript, FaunaDB, and Gatsby, I deepened my understanding of these tools while also building a practical application that could serve as a valuable portfolio piece. The project also highlights my ability to work independently, from designing the architecture to writing the code and deploying the application. The project is open-source and available on GitHub, where others can explore, use, and modify it. By choosing the MIT License, I’ve ensured that the project is accessible to anyone who wants to use it, whether for personal projects or commercial applications. As an open-source project, it can also serve as a learning resource for other developers who want to explore React, Gatsby, and FaunaDB in a real-world application.

🎯 Technologies Used:

  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Frontend: React, HTML, CSS, Gatsby
  • Database: FaunaDB

📘 How To Use:

To use this project, clone the GitHub repository to your local machine and follow the setup instructions in the README file. The project is built with React and Gatsby, so you’ll need to have Node.js and npm installed to run the application locally. Once the project is set up, you can use the provided commands to start a development server and interact with the CRUD application. The application is connected to FaunaDB for data storage, so you must create an account and configure the database according to the instructions provided in the repository. As an open-source project, you can modify and extend the code to suit your needs.

🔒 License:

This project is licensed under the MIT License, allowing users to freely use, modify, and distribute the code for personal and commercial purposes. The MIT License is one of the most permissive open-source licenses available, ensuring anyone can use the project without restrictions. The choice of the MIT License reflects my commitment to open-source development and my desire to share the project with a broader community of developers. By making the project open-source, I hope to encourage contributions and improvements from others while also providing a valuable resource for developers looking to learn from or build upon the code.


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A Tailored Solution for You!

Farasat Ali offers top-tier web and mobile development, leveraging the latest technologies for customized solutions. His expertise includes cloud deployment for reliable, scalable applications. With AI integration, he provides intelligent, data-driven solutions to enhance efficiency. In Blockchain development, he creates secure, decentralized systems for trust. His data-driven strategies turn insights into results, driving growth and performance. Committed to excellence, Farasat delivers innovative, robust, and scalable applications. Partner with Farasat Ali for outstanding growth, the best results, and awesome leads with cutting-edge technology.

Web Development

Web Development

As a technology-driven developer, I leverage the latest tools and frameworks such as MERN Stack, Jamstack and NextJs to develop highly scalable and performant web applications.

As a tech-driven developer, I use cutting-edge tools to build scalable, high-performance web apps. Skilled in MERN Stack, Jamstack, and Next.js, I create dynamic applications with React, Node.js, and MongoDB. Proficient in Next.js, I deliver server-rendered and static sites for top SEO and performance. See outstanding business growth with Farasat Ali, achieving irresistibly the best results and surprisingly awesome leads as an expert in the latest technologies.

Cloud & Blockchain Dev.

Cloud & Blockchain Dev.

As a Cloud & web3 developer, I specialize in developing fully interactive web3 websites, Dapps, and smart contracts, and I am also experienced in deployments on Cloud Platforms Like AWS & Azure.

As a Cloud and Web3 developer, I excel in building interactive Web3 sites, DApps, and smart contracts. I deploy and manage these solutions on AWS and Azure, ensuring scalability and performance. My deep blockchain knowledge and cloud expertise drive outstanding business growth, delivering irresistibly the best results and surprisingly awesome leads. By leveraging the latest technologies, I provide secure, efficient, and cutting-edge digital experiences.



As an AI/ML developer, I possess a robust knowledge of these technologies, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Numpy. I specialize in building, deploying, and optimizing models, leveraging tools like GPTs and LangChain for cutting-edge applications.

As an AI/ML developer, I specialize in TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Numpy for building and optimizing models. Leveraging GPTs and LangChain, I craft innovative solutions that drive outstanding business growth and deliver the best results with awesome leads. My expertise includes data preprocessing, feature engineering, model training, and integration into scalable systems, ensuring top performance and efficiency.

Mobile Development

Mobile Development

As a mobile app developer, I have a strong expertise in creating high-performance mobile applications using cutting-edge technologies such as React Native, Expo, and Firebase.

As a mobile app developer, I build high-performance apps with React Native, Expo, and Firebase. Expertise in React Native ensures seamless cross-platform apps for iOS and Android. Expo accelerates development, while Firebase provides robust backend support, including real-time databases and authentication. Staying current with the latest technologies, I drive outstanding business growth, deliver the best results, and generate awesome leads with innovative mobile solutions.


Keeping Up with the Cutting Edge!

Farasat Ali excels in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Solidity, Rust, AssemblyScript, and Cirq. He specializes in web and mobile development with HTML, CSS, SCSS, React, React Native, Next.js, Redux, and related technologies. He is proficient with Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Flask, FastAPI, and databases like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, Neo4j, GraphQL, Firebase, and Supabase. In cloud and CI, he works with AWS, Azure, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Vercel, GitHub Actions, and Jenkins. His Web3 and blockchain experience includes Ethereum, Solana, Anchor, and related tools. He also has expertise in AI and ML with Numpy, Pandas, Pytorch, and Tensorflow. General tools include Sentry, Figma, Visual Studio Code, Git, and GitHub.

- Programming Languages -








- Web & Mobile Development -





React Native



Redux Saga

React Query



Framer Motion



Material UI










Payload CMS

Strapi CMS

Sanity CMS

AWS Lambda












- Cloud, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) & Continuous Integration (CI) -

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Microsoft Azure





GitHub Actions


- Web3, Blockchain & Development Environments -









- Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) -






- General Tools & Technologies -



Visual Studio Code




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